Spoznajte rezidenta: Agnieszka Antkowiak and Stefan Głowacki

14.10.2021 @ 19:00
Galerija K18
vstop prost

Vljudno vabljeni na spoznavni večer z aktualnima rezidentoma SobeZaGosteMaribor Agnieszko Antkowiak and Stefanom Głowacki. Poljska umetnika nam bosta predstavila svojo produkcijo in projekt na katerem delata v Mariboru v četrtek, 14. 10. 2021, ob 19. uri, v Galeriji K18.

Raziskava Agnieszke Antkowiak se nanaša na idejo javnega prostora kot mesta pogajanj in diskurza. Ker je internet izpodrinil javno sfero, je izkrivil tudi naš način oblikovanja javnega prostora. Ob tem prehodu se zdi, da so "pogoji uporabe" in druga pojavna okna sodoben ekvivalent starodavnih razprav. Preko sledenja nezavednemu vedenju želi raziskati odvisnosti in vplive med spletno komunikacijo in odnosom do fizične telekomunikacijske infrastrukture.

Agnieszka Antkowiak (1990, Poljska) je diplomantka fotografije na Univerzi za umetnost v Poznanu na Poljskem (2017) in kulturologije na Univerzi Adama Mickiewicza (2014). Leta 2018 je ustanovila kolektiv ATM skupaj z Anastazijo Pataridze in Marto Szypulsko. V različnih medijih pogosto ustvarja situacije, v katerih občinstvo nehote postane del scenarija. Neposredno okvirjanje ali aktiviranje publike uporablja kot material svojih umetniških del. Nezavedno sodelovanje občinstva uporablja kot medij / epistemični okvir, s katerim razkriva zamegljene mehanizme, ki oblikujejo njihove vsakdanje navade in izkušnje. S takšno metodologijo raziskuje tehnološki vpliv na človekovo nezavedno vedenje in njegovo mobilizacijo znotraj ekonomij pozornosti, vpliva in prisotnosti.

V okviru rezidence SobaZaGosteMaribor bo sodelovala s Stefanom Głowackim (1994, Poljska), diplomantom filma, videa, novih medijev in animacije na šoli Umetniškega inštituta v Chicagu, Il, ZDA (2018). Njegova primarna področja zanimanja so medijska arheologija, učinki digitalne mediacije na spomin in potencial video iger kot umetniških instrumentov. Z raziskovanjem zmožnosti in omejitev, ki vodijo naše interakcije s tehničnimi podobami, v svoji praksi preoblikuje film in video igre kot umetniške materiale. S pomočjo bajalice se bosta poskušala prebiti skozi mariborsko informacijsko avtocesto. :)

Meet the residents: Agnieszka Antkowiak and Stefan Głowacki

You are cordially invited to an introductory evening with the current residents of GuestRoomMaribor Agnieszka Antkowiak and Stefan Głowacki. The Polish artists will present her past production and outline the project they are working on in Maribor on Thursday, 14 October 2021, at 7 pm, at K18 Gallery.

The research of Agnieszka Antkowiak refers to the idea of public space as a site of negotiations and discourse. As the internet has displaced the public sphere it also distorted our way of shaping it. In the face of this transition it seems that "terms and conditions'' and other pop ups are a contemporary equivalent of ancient debates. Tracking down our unconscious behaviors, we would like to investigate the dependencies and influences between online communication and behaviors towards the physical telecommunication infrastructure.

Agnieszka Antkowiak (1990, Poland), a graduate of Photography at the University of the Arts in Poznań, Poland (2017) and Cultural Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (2014). From 2018 founder of ATM collective together with Anastasia Pataridze and Marta Szypulska. Working across a range of media she often creates situations, where the audiences involuntarily become part of the scenario. Indirectly framing or explicitly triggering the public’s action, she uses it as the material of her work. She employs the unconscious participation of the audience as a medium/epistemic frame with which to reveal obfuscated mechanisms shaping their everyday habits and experiences. Through such methodology she probes the technological impact on human unconscious behaviors and its mobilization within the economies of attention, affect and presence.

In the frame of the GuestRoomMaribor residency she will be working with Stefan Głowacki (1994, Poland) a graduate of Film, Video, New Media, Animation from School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Il, USA (2018). His primary areas of interest include media archeology, effects of digital mediation on memory, and the potential of video games as artistic instruments. Interrogating the affordances and limits that guide our interactions with technical images, in his practice he repurposes film and video games as artistic materials. Together they will try to dowse their way down the information highway here, in Maribor. :)

Organizator: Pekarna Magdalenske mreže, Ob železnici 16, 2000 Maribor,  info@pekarnamm.orgwww.pekarnamm.org.