Predstavitev foto knjige Avtocesta

Prostorske sledi nekdanje avtoceste Bratstva in enotnosti

23.2.2018 @ 18:00
Razstavišče Vetrinjski
vstop prost

Rezident SobeZaGoste, fotograf Davor Konjikušić, bo v razstavišču Vetrinjski predstavil foto knjigo, ki je nastajala med njegovim bivanjem v Mariboru. 

Delo, ki se razteza čez 64 strani, je umetniško delo, ki vključuje druga dela iz razstave na drugačen način. Pri tem unikatnem delu avtor uporablja arhivske materiale, inštalacije, tekste, svoje fotografije, kot tudi lastne kolaže.

Novo delo in razstava bosta na ogled do 2. 3. 2018, vsak delovnik med 10.00 in 15.00.

Po predstavitvi foto knjige bo sledilo tudi avtorjevo vodstvo po razstavi.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Resident of GuestRoomMaribor, photographer Davor Konjikušić, will introduce his final work that was made during the residential stay in Maribor.

The photo book we will present next Friday is an artwork that in itself combines the artistic work of 'Autocesta' in a new way. This is a unique photo book that goes through 64 pages, in which the author combines archive materials, installation, text, his own photographs and his interventions.

New work and the exhibiton will be opened until 2nd of February, every day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

After the presentation of the photo book, the author will take us on a guided tour of the exhibiton.

You are kindly invited!

Info: Pekarna Magdalenske mreže, Mladinski informacijsko-svetovalni center INFOPEKA, Ob železnici 16, 2000 Maribor, 02 300 68 50, 041 481 246,

Davor Konjikušić je rezident programa SobaZaGoste/GuestRoomMaribor Pekarne magdalenske mreže.